We offer general support, advocacy, information, referral service and deliver a range of responsive community focused activities, projects, programs and event.
We are able to provide information and referrals on a range of issues and services.
Arrange meetings with relevant agencies if required.
We offer JP service by appointment.
All enquiries / services are treated with confidentiality
In addition, we have many visiting services that change from time to time.
These services may include employment, community and personal advice, migrant assistance services and tax help.
Visiting Services
Appointments are necessary to consult with visiting Service Providers. Lockyer Community Centre is unable to act on behalf of a visiting service and unable to make appointments for clients.
Currently the following services are available;
- Tax Help – Available between 1st July and
31st October each year.
- Multicultural Development Association Inc
- Lives Lived Well/ New Access
- Mylestones Employment
Each Drug & Alcohol
-Drug Arm
Other services may be available.
If the service
you require is not listed please contact us.

Emergency Relief
This program is aimed at helping people in financial crisis by providing financial or material aid, and connects them with services to build financial resilience and capacity.
Our Emergency Relief program is available upon appoi ntment.The program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Our Kitchen is Your Kitchen
Our Kitchen is Your kitchen project was launched in early 2024. This is a responsive community project to support vulnerable people impacted by the housing crisis. This space works like a camp kitchen you find in a caravan park or camping facility. This facility is open during our regular operating hours and people can come along discretly and use the kitchen faciliy and equpiment to prepare a meal, snack or refreshrement. This project is an initiative of the Lockyer Community Centre and proudly supported by: Nyal Australia, River 94.9 Radio, Vertech Electrical Services and Kmart Gatton.

Free Tech support
Held every Wednesday & Thursday, we offer free one on one 45 minute sessions, aimed at helping you to gain insight and understanding when it comes to dealing with modern technology in a digital age.
We encourage you to bring your own devices
to the session in order for us to better demonstrate and explain how to use them.
Do you need help with learning how to navigate online platforms, do everyday online tasks, online shopping, paying bills, emailing, connect online with family / friends / special interest groups etc?
Bookings are essential so please contact the centre to make an appointment.
Proudly self-funded by Lockyer Community Centre through secured operational funding through Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy.
Program previously funded through Lockyer Valley Regional Council Community Grants Program, Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association, Thriving Qld. Communities grant program, Be Connected program.
We offer a welcoming non-judgemental basic tech support service to empower and build self-resilience in a fast paced digital world.
* This program does offer support with fixing of devices.
Community action for Multicultural Society
Lockyer CAMS Program 2022-2024 aims to address local barriers to economic and social inclusion and build sustainable opportunities for cultural inclusion in local employment, networks and industries.
CAMS Program employs a part time Multicultural Community Support Worker that has personal life experiences and learnings that enables ability to relate to people from CALD backgrounds, understanding their challenges and goals for their future lives in Australia.
CAMS Program can offer connection to support services, learning opportunities, social connections.
Contact CAMS worker:
Ph: 0455 251 581
Community Action for a Multicultural Society (CAMS) program
The Community Action for a Multicultural Society (CAMS ) program supports the Queensland Government's committment to promote an inclusive, harmonious and united Queensland